However, if you have any questions or concerns that have not been addressed, please call us at (509) 319-2288 or email
Enlightium does offer Honors courses for students in grades 1–12 in the teacher-led Online Program! Honor courses are available for most English, history, math, and science courses and contain more in-depth material. Honor courses are not available to students in the Bronze Program, students in the Sapphire Live Program, or students in the book-based Homeschool Program.
While filling out your student’s enrollment form, you can request to speak to your student’s counselor about taking honor courses. Your student’s counselor will then work with your family to see if they are eligible for honor courses based on their scores on Enlightium’s entrance assessments and the grades from their previous school.
For students in grades 9–12, honor courses are identified as “HR” on their Enlightium report cards and transcripts. Additionally, many honor courses are NCAA-approved and can be assigned to students seeking eligibility to compete as an athlete at the collegiate level.
Honor courses have a value of +0.5 to the student’s final weighted GPA. High school students can pursue an Honors Diploma.
Enlightium provides NCAA-approved courses for student-athletes in grades 9–12. Students in grade 8 can take some high school-level NCAA-approved courses per counselor approval. NCAA-approved courses are not available to students in the Bronze Program, students in the Sapphire Live Program, or students in the book-based Homeschool Program.
More information can be found on Enlightium’s NCAA page.
Yes, Enlightium Academy offers Advanced Placement (AP) courses for grades 9–12. These types of courses demand the highest level of participation, peer collaboration, and quality of work from students.
The AP programs allow students to participate in a college-level course and earn college credits while still in high school. An Enlightium counselor can work with parents to determine if the student may be able to manage and be successful in AP courses.
Advanced Placement courses are identified on report cards and transcripts as “AP”. AP courses have a weighted value of +1.0 to the student’s final weighted GPA.
During the admissions process, Enlightium’s team receives records from the student’s previous school, and the student is assigned an entrance assessment. Your student’s Enlightium counselor will then work with your family to identify where your student is academically and assign the appropriate courses to ensure your student’s success.
Your student may be assigned, at the counselor’s discretion, parts of a previously failed course and/or foundational courses to allow the student to relearn the building blocks. As the student progresses in the school year, the student and parent must communicate to the Enlightium counselor if their student is still struggling in one or more courses.
Enlightium Academy offers specialized accommodations for your students' coursework. Your student’s counselor will review the student’s entrance assessment results and their records from the previous school to determine what program would be most appropriate for the student.
If specialized accommodations or modifications are recommended or required, the counselor will make a referral to the Intervention Team. Your student’s counselor will then work with the Intervention Team when assigning courses.
For the Online Program, your student's teachers* at Enlightium will answer your student's academic questions via messages within the Ignitia platform. Phone support, screensharing, and face-to-face video chat may also be available for students in premium packages.
Sapphire students can ask their teachers* questions during daily class time and study hall as well as via Google Chat and email.
Teachers will actively work to provide each student with proper scaffolding for success. This means that the teacher will seek to give exactly the right amount of support for each student to be challenged yet successful.
Teachers have also collected many helpful resources for students in a platform called LiveBinders. We encourage students at all support levels to use LiveBinders as a supplemental resource.
*Teacher support is available to students in grades 3–12 in the Silver, Silver+, Gold, and Diamond support package, and for students in grades 1–12 for the Sapphire Live package.
Enlightium Academy’s English Language Learners Program is offered to students in grades 8–12 whose first language is not English. The ELL Program provides targeted support through modified English courses, English language practice and lessons, and instruction by a trained ELL instructor. This program is designed to equip older intermediate and advanced English language learners for transition to standard courses.
Students with learning challenges will be evaluated by the student’s counselor with consideration of the type and severity of the challenge, as well as Enlightium’s capacity to accommodate the challenges.
Although we enroll students who have used Individualized Education Program (IEP) services at other schools, Enlightium Academy does not assess or update service plans. Our team customizes curriculum, assignments, and academic standards for families that seek accommodations through a customized Tier 3 plan. Students who would like to access academic intervention without an existing service plan will be evaluated carefully by a team of qualified Enlightium staff in collaboration with parents.
Enlightium Academy also provides accommodations for students with diagnosed health impairments not requiring a service plan or academic accommodation. Our Coordinator will work closely with the student’s parents, teachers, guidance counselor, and Principal to support student success while enrolled with Enlightium Academy.
Enlightium Academy reserves the right to deny enrollment to any student if Enlightium lacks facilities and/or staffing to meet the needs of said student in the fullest possible way.
For more information about these programs, see the Specialized Accommodations page.
Students in grades PreK-8 have the option to learn using Enlightium’s book-based Homeschool Program. Students learn with textbooks under their parent’s supervision. Parents then upload work samples and grades into an online platform several times each month. The textbooks in the Homeschool Program are not included in the tuition.
Students in grades 3–12 have the option to learn using Enlightium’s Online Program. Students in this program primarily learn online, as the textbooks are built into the learning platform. Students may still need to purchase additional material, typically for science and English courses. Families should review each course description for the phrase “Access Supply List”; these list any textbooks, science equipment, and other materials needed for the course. If students are unable to access material, they can simply message their teacher. High school students taking Advanced Placement courses or college courses using Enlightium’s Dual Enrollment Program may have required textbooks, which would be noted in the overview for each course.
Students in the Sapphire Live Program will have textbooks shipped to their mailing address at no additional fee.
The school year consists of 180 days over nine or ten months. Students are required to finish all work assigned within the given timeframe. Students enrolled in a one-semester course will have about 90 school days to complete the course.
Students in the Online Program can enroll in Early Start, which allows them access to their online courses during the summer before the start of the school year. Early start can add up to approximately 60 days to the student’s schedule, depending on when a family chooses to start. An early start fee may apply.
Enlightium also offers a summer school extension to students in the Online Program and the Homeschool Program who need more time to complete the current school year. Summer school adds approximately 30 days to the student’s schedule. A summer school fee may apply.
During the fourth quarter, Enlightium offers the Iowa Complete standardized assessment for students in grades PreK-8. The IXL test, which is not a standardized assessment, is also available to students in grades PreK-8.
Additionally, guidance for college-preparatory assessments is available to students in grades 9–12. Click here for a full list of testing options.
Enlightium operates within an academic school year consisting of 180 instructional days with a defined first and last day of school. Students enrolled from the beginning of the school year are expected to complete all assigned courses within the 180 school days, unless a summer school extension is provided.
For students enrolled in the Online Program, the daily schedule is assigned within the online learning platform that lists the assignments to be completed on each school day. Students are free to complete the daily assignments at any time throughout the day. Students should plan to complete the week’s work by Sunday night.
For students enrolled in the Homeschool program, families are encouraged to have all required work samples uploaded quarterly. This gives homeschool families the flexibility to follow Enlightium’s curriculum maps while also giving some daily schedule flexibility from student to student.
At Enlightium, we developed a progress summary notification that is sent reguarly via email to keep parents informed and empower them with the information needed to keep their students accountable, and to help meet or exceed their state attendance standards and maintain our accreditation requirements. This email will provide a summary of key metrics like assignments completed vs. assignments due in the previous week, time spent, average score on multiple assignment types, and other data that will help parents gauge if their student is keeping up with the material and identify any red flags early on.
For students enrolled in the Sapphire Live program, students are assigned their work by a teacher in their live classes. Enlightium Academy tracks the progress of each student and adjusts their learning processes to meet every student's needs.
Enlightium Academy is accredited by Cognia and the Association of Christian Schools International; Enlightium has students in all 50 states and around the world. This means that your student can enroll at Enlightium and either graduate with a diploma that will be recognized worldwide or be able to transfer to another school with a report card or transcript.
Many states have some requirements for homeschooling families, such as:
While it is the family’s responsibility to research and follow through with state regulations regarding homeschooling, Enlightium provides:
Once your student is enrolled, a Verification of Enrollment (VOE) can be requested by emailing along with the reason for the request. Standard processing time is 3–5 working days, depending on the purpose of the VOE.
Enlightium’s Admissions Department will guide you through the process. You need to provide:
Any recent standardized test results (if available).
Core subject* test grades. Core subjects are English/language arts, history, math, and science.
Any recent homeschool report card (PreK-8) or transcript (9-12th); you can use Enlightium’s homeschool templates if needed.
If enrolling your student into grades 9-12, sample essays, projects, and major assignments that your student did during each high school year along with the transcript. Specific requirements are listed on page three of the Enlightium’s high school homeschool transcript template.
Additional supporting documents as requested.
You can review the records you will need to provide here. Please organize your documentation by subject: math, English, history, science, etc. You can provide this information to the Enlightium admissions team during or after the enrollment process.
Your student’s Enlightium counselor will also need to know the name of the curriculum that you used; this information can be provided on the homeschool transcripts. Your student’s counselor may reach out to you if they have any questions or to request that you provide additional documentation.
The school year’s start date, as well as the traditional school year’s end date, summer school dates, and other important dates, can be found on Enlightium’s calendar.
Enlightium offers an open enrollment, which means that students can start anytime. Students can begin:
Additionally, students who already completed some coursework at another school can enroll at Enlightium anytime during the school year. After the admissions process, their Enlightium counselor will help create a course schedule that best fits the student.
Enlightium Academy accepts report cards electronically from parents/guardians for students in grades K-8 and transcripts for students in grades 9–12. Please do not send records until after the enrollment form is submitted.
You can send records:
Counselors use entrance assessment scores to evaluate the student’s knowledge from the previous school to ensure that accurate courses are assigned. Please note that the entrance assessment scores alone will not determine course assignments. A low score on an entrance assessment will not automatically result in a student needing to retake a course, as the counselor primarily factors in the student’s most recent report card or transcript, as well as the family’s input, when assigning courses.
Absolutely! Your family is encouraged to learn more about Enlightium and if it is the best option for your family through the following options:
Subscribe to Enlightium Academy on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, or other social media channels.
Enlightium Academy is a private school accredited by both Cognia and the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI); therefore, credits awarded by Enlightium are accepted at any K-12 school, college, or university nationwide, and are recognized internationally.
Enlightium Academy is accredited, licensed, and approved by the following organizations:
For more information, see the Accreditation page.
Enlightium offers three programs for students: the Online Program for grades 3-12, the Homeschool Program for grades PreK-8, and the Sapphire Live Program for grades 1-12*:
Enlightium generally offers students in the Online Program:
Five core courses each school year: Bible, English, history, math, and science.
Over 100 electives across all grade levels, most of which are available online.
Enlightium offers students in the Homeschool Program:
Core courses based on the student’s grade level.
Varying electives, most of which are provided offline.
Enlightium offers students in the Sapphire Live Program:
Hand-picked core courses
Varying electives, available both offline and online
*Grade availability is subject to change annually for the Sapphire Live Program.
Enlightium’s standard school year is 180 days; with summer school, this is extended to around 210 days. Students are assigned coursework on a weekly basis, offering a structured yet adaptable learning environment.
In the Online and Homeschool Programs, deadlines for students’ coursework are spread over the course of the school year, allowing students to move through the curriculum at their own pace. Enlightium’s program provides students the opportunity to move quicker in some subjects and spend additional time in other subjects. Additionally, students have access to the curriculum for most days of the school year (including weekends and holidays) and can use those days to catch up or work ahead.
In the Sapphire Live Program, students are on a fixed schedule led by their teachers. Students won’t have the opportunity to move ahead in their course or have a summer school extension, as Sapphire Live students benefit from real-time group instruction with their peers.
Students in the Online Program will be provided access to their Student Orientation within a few days of their course start date. Students can also participate in Enlightium’s social and spiritual offerings.
Students in the Homeschool Program will not be able to begin working until they receive their textbooks in the mail. In the meantime, they can participate in Enlightium’s social and spiritual offerings, and they will be assigned a Student Orientation leading up to their start date.
Students in the Sapphire Live Program will be able to start their courses on the first day of school.
For students enrolled in the Online and Homeschool Programs, there are no specific times that students need to work each day. Students can log in at any time of the day for most days of the school year. Staff and teacher support are available during standard school hours, which are typically 8 am to 4 pm Pacific Time.
For students enrolled in the Sapphire Live Program, there is a start and end time each school day (Monday - Thursday), and optional teacher office hours on Fridays.
One of the benefits of Enlightium Academy is flexibility. Students in the Online and Homeschool Programs have the freedom to work during the hours that best fit their schedule. Check out Enlightium’s suggested daily planner for an example of an Enlightium student’s schedule.
While students have flexibility in their schedule, students should plan to complete each week’s work by Sunday night. Due dates are provided within Ignitia to help the student stay on track. Students do not lose credit for missing deadlines, as long as all work is submitted by the course’s end date.
Parents receive progress emails that show if a student is on track or behind. If a student is falling behind, they can use evenings, weekends, and holidays to catch up. If a student works ahead, they have the option to complete the school year early.
Students in the Sapphire Live Program are provided a school schedule with start and end times for each course. Instead of creating their own daily schedule, Sapphire Live students join their peers and teachers in a set schedule.
For students in the Online and Homeschool Programs:
In Sapphire Live, a parent or guardian must email the teacher(s) for the class(es) that the student will be missing. Without that email, the absence will be considered unexcused.
Enlightium provides various resources for the spiritual development of its students:
Social events are offered throughout the year, including:
Additionally, during Student Social Week, families can register their students for various social activities. Late registration is available for most social activities.
Enlightium Academy has been preparing students for colleges and universities since 2003. Students in grades 9–12 are provided Education, Career, and Life Readiness (ECLR) curriculum to help build life skills, and they may be able to take the following courses:
View Enlightium graduates’ college acceptances.
Enlightium Academy is based out of Washington state, which has a maximum age limit of 21 to receive a diploma. This means that a student must obtain their high school diploma before or during the school year in which they turn 21.
Yes! Click here for a list of requirements for receiving an honors diploma.
There will be a $150 graduation fee for students in grade 12:
If the diploma needs to be mailed outside of the United States, the graduation fee is $200.
Students in the Online Program need an internet connection to access the curriculum. Students can learn from any device that can access the Internet using a browser such as Chrome or Firefox; however, it is recommended to use only a laptop or desktop computer to submit work such as quizzes and tests.
Students in the Homeschool Program do not need internet access to complete most, if not all, of their work. However, parents need internet access to upload work and grades, typically 1-2 times per month.
Students in the Sapphire Live Program are on their computers in a Zoom meeting in real-time for each class. Sapphire Live students access the internet continuously and must use Chrome.
Learn more about which types of internet connections work best with Ignitia.
It is not recommended to use satellite internet connections because of occasional reports of difficulty transmitting information to the main server. An ordinary dial-up connection usually works better than a satellite connection. However, if there are no other options, families may try using a satellite connection if they are willing to assume the risk. It is recommended to save a copy of all assignments prior to submitting them, especially if using a satellite internet connection.
Learn more about which types of internet connections work best with Ignitia.
Please look for “Enlightium:” in the subject line of the emails you receive. If you do not see emails from us and believe that you should be receiving some, please check your spam folder and make sure to safelist“” to receive all emails.
You can also give us a call at (509) 319-2288 option 0 or email for assistance.