
Privacy Policy & Terms of Service

Enlightium Academy has a comprehensive enrollment agreement, a thorough privacy policy with terms of service, and detailed terms of service.

The terms and privacy policy are reviewed and updated by Enlightium Academy’s administration annually; a notification is provided to currently enrolled families via email in the event of an update to the terms or privacy policy mid-year.

1. Application Terms & Agreements

The terms and privacy policy are reviewed and updated by the Enlightium Academy administration team annually. By re-enrolling or remaining enrolled after the terms or privacy policy is updated, you affirm your agreement to continue to be bound by these terms.

1.1 Statement of Faith

Grades PreK-12: I understand that Enlightium’s instruction and curriculum are Christian-based and agree to have my student fulfill Enlightium’s requirements. By enrolling our student(s) at Enlightium, we agree to follow the Biblical standards as outlined in the Family Handbook.

Grades PreK-12: I understand that Bible is a required course at Enlightium per the accreditation requirements of the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) and agree to have my student fulfill this requirement. 

1.2 Academic Policies

Grades PreK-12: I understand that it is my responsibility to familiarize myself with the Family Handbook. Please note that the terms “parent” and “guardian” are used interchangeably at Enlightium Academy.

Grades PreK-12: I understand that I will be invited to register with the Enlightium Parents app (an online platform and mobile application for parents/guardians). I agree to check my Enlightium Parents app account at least once a week for school news and updates. 

Grades PreK-12: I understand the importance of my commitment and involvement to ensure success for my student, so I will make sure to create a focused learning environment at home, where my student is able to complete schoolwork without distractions.

Grades 3-12: I agree to oversee my student's progress via the Customer Portal, which is found in the Enlightium Parents app.

Grades PreK-12: I agree to check the email account that I provided on the enrollment form on a weekly basis for news from Enlightium regarding events, notices, and tuition, and I agree to respond as applicable. 

Grades PreK-12: I understand that Enlightium’s accreditation standards require students to spend an average of 20-40 minutes on each assignment (depending on the grade level and subject) to ensure mastery of the content. I will speak to my student’s counselor if there is a concern regarding the amount of time my student is spending on the curriculum. 

Grades PreK-12: I understand that concerns may arise when the amount of time taken by my student to complete coursework is insufficient, repeated blank assignments and/or projects are submitted, and/or other evidence of system abuse or lack of effort is discernible.

Grades 3-12 in the Online Program: I understand that Enlightium reserves the right to adjust passing thresholds, adjust assignment attempts, and assign additional examinations and/or assignments to ensure that the student has acquired sufficient mastery to receive credit(s) per assigned course(s). 

Grades PreK-12: I understand that standard staff and faculty response times may not necessarily apply to Premium Electives.

Grades 3-12 in the Online and Sapphire Live Programs: I understand that it is my responsibility to ensure safe computer use by my student and that Enlightium Academy may require me to block certain websites and/or use monitoring software to ensure the integrity of my student's activity and to substantiate the credit-worthiness of the completed school work. 

Grades PreK-12: I understand that my student is required to complete a minimum amount of work on a weekly basis, as scheduled, with a firm deadline for all work to be submitted by the end of each term unless otherwise approved by Enlightium’s administration. Please note that students are encouraged to align their work time with teacher availability to maximize academic support. However, they can study at any point in the day (including evenings) and on any day of the week (including weekends and holidays), and have until Sunday night to submit that week’s work to be considered on track. The only exceptions are Down Days, which typically occur at the end of each quarter when Enlightium’s team works on preparing report cards. You can view Enlightium’s calendar for details.

Grades PreK-12: I understand that the following due dates apply to all students with some exceptions per the principal’s review and approval:

  • Grades PreK-8: All work must be finished by the end of the official last day of a given school year.*
  • Grades 9-12: All semester work must be completed by the end of the given semester:*
    • Seniors have an early official last day of school, as indicated on the school calendar.
    • All high school students are required to finish all semester coursework by the assigned semester’s deadline in order to receive credits.

*Unless otherwise approved by Enlightium’s principal.

Grades PreK-8: I understand that merely enrolling at Enlightium Academy does not guarantee grade-level promotion. Promotion is based on satisfactory progress and overall course scores. If the coursework is not finished by the assigned term deadline, the student will receive zeros for all incomplete work after the due date. The student will receive an “Incomplete” on their report card in courses with less than 75% completion.

Grades 9-12: I understand that my student’s counselor may reduce my high school student's course load in certain circumstances if my student is significantly behind in courses and/or if there are not enough days left in the current term to finish all assigned work. I also understand that I will not be reimbursed for Enlightium’s courses that might be removed from my student's schedule. Upon notification by my student’s counselor of these changes, I will be able to discuss any concerns and work with my student to meet deadlines.

Grades 3-12 in the Online and Sapphire Live Programs: I understand that a teacher may block my student's work in a course until a solution is determined between the teacher, the parent(s), and the student if any of the following situations occur consistently:

  • Persistent technical errors that result in low or failing scores on assignments,
  • Failed quizzes/tests,
  • Academic dishonesty (cheating) or suspicion thereof, including providing answers to others directly or by posting assignment answers publicly, and/or
  • Blank assignment submissions.

Grades 3-12: I understand that if I do not respond to communication from staff and/or faculty regarding a given issue, a student’s account access may be suspended until a resolution is reached. 

Grades PreK-12: I agree to Enlightium's plagiarism policies. I also understand that plagiarism or cheating on an assessment, including quizzes and tests, will result in a zero grade for the entire assignment. I agree to review the plagiarism policy in the Family Handbook (Section IX. Course Work, Plagiarism) with my student.

Grades 9-12: I understand that if my student would like to compete in sports at the collegiate level, the Enlightium student’s counselor must be informed via the enrollment form, re-enrollment form, or by email so that NCAA-approved courses will be assigned. I also understand that it is my responsibility to ensure all NCAA requirements are met by my student. I also understand that NCAA courses are only available in the Online Program to students in the Silver, Silver+, Gold, and Diamond packages.

Grades PreK-12: I understand that Enlightium is an educational institution accredited by the regional and national accrediting organizations Cognia and ACSI; however, it is my responsibility to review and comply with my state’s homeschooling requirements. I also agree to review Enlightium Academy’s resources on online homeschooling in my state or country, if available. 

Grades 9-12: I understand that students in grade 12 who meet Enlightium Academy’s graduation requirements and comply with their state’s school requirements, in general, are accepted by public and private colleges and universities nationwide. I also understand that some colleges and universities have unique admission requirements, so it is my responsibility to contact colleges/universities that I am considering to determine what additional admission requirements exist, if any.

Grades PreK-12: I understand that Enlightium may highlight or showcase students with Enlightium’s stakeholders and/or for marketing purposes through internal or external communication, and that typically, the student’s first name, last initial, grade level, and state of residence would be used, except in cases where I provide written permission allowing for more personally identifiable information. An example includes a recording of a student spelling bee contest, which may include the winning student’s first name, last initial, grade level, and state of residence.

Grades PreK-12: I understand that Enlightium Academy's mission is to educate the next generation upon the foundations of biblical truth, and that Enlightium Academy has adopted a guidance policy on the use of artificial intelligence (AI) within its academic and operational framework. This policy emphasizes the responsible, ethical, and purposeful use of AI tools to enhance personalized learning, teacher effectiveness, and school management while ensuring these tools align with Enlightium’s Statement of Faith, Biblical Philosophy of Technology, and meet Enlightium’s standards of academic integrity. It encompasses directives for all administration, faculty, staff, and students, detailing appropriate uses, prohibited activities, and special considerations for maintaining academic integrity and ensuring privacy and security. Enlightium remains committed to leveraging AI's potential responsibly, ensuring it serves to increase student and teacher engagement and enrich human creativity, relationships, and reasoning in accordance with our Christian values. Parents are encouraged to read the open letter from the headmaster to Enlightium Academy’s parents regarding artificial intelligence at Enlightium Academy.

1.3 Attendance Policies

Grades PreK-12: I understand Enlightium will track my student’s school progress and send notices to me by email and/or text message. If my student will be missing school for three or more school days, I agree to notify Enlightium via an Absence Form before an expected absence or as soon as possible during an unexpected absence.   

Grades PreK-12: I understand that, as an approved and accredited private online school, Enlightium abides by a truancy policy and as such reserves the right to withdraw a student who has not been active and shows little or no progress in the curriculum for four weeks. I agree to maintain ongoing communication with regard to my student’s progress.

Grades PreK-12: I understand that Enlightium reserves the right to deny enrollment to any student if the administration team believes that the family is unable to support their student’s academic needs sufficiently. If this occurs, any enrollment fee and tuition paid for the school year in question may be refunded. 

1.4 Withdrawal Policies

Grades PreK-12: Enlightium Academy offers a 14-day money-back guarantee from the time of enrollment. During this period, if I find that Enlightium Academy is not the best educational option for my student, I can contact the school by emailing support@enlightiumacademy.com to withdraw my student for any reason. Once the withdrawal is processed and if within the 14-day period, Enlightium will cancel any scheduled tuition payments, and I will receive a refund on any tuition paid. A request to extend the 14-day money-back guarantee period an additional 14 days may be emailed to support@enlightiumacademy.com, and the request will be reviewed by the administration team. I understand that the 14-day money-back guarantee period is only applicable to new students and the standard withdrawal policy will apply if I am re-enrolling my student. I also understand that the enrollment fee is refundable only if I withdraw my student within 72 hours of submitting my enrollment form. Unpaid enrollment fees are due in full if the student withdraws after 72 hours.

Grades PreK-12: I understand that in the event that I choose to withdraw my student from Enlightium Academy for any reason and at any time, I am responsible for filling out the Withdrawal Form. I also understand that when I and/or another school request records from Enlightium Academy, typically three to five business days may be required for Enlightium’s registrar to prepare and send records to my student’s next school. Note that more time may be required.

Grades PreK-12: I agree to the Withdrawal Policy, which takes effect immediately after the enrollment form is completed for returning students, after enrollment is auto-renewed for Continuous Enrollment students, or after the 14-day money-back guarantee period ends for new students.

The Withdrawal Policy states that Enlightium Academy charges a flat withdrawal fee based on support level. The fee for students in the Homeschool Program (AOP and BJU Press) is $250, the fee for students in the Online Program (Bronze, Silver, Silver+, Gold, and Diamond) and students in the Hybrid Program is $500, and the fee for students in the Sapphire Live Program varies depending on withdrawal date*.

Any enrollment fee paid will only be applied to this fee if the cancellation is within 14 days of classes being assigned. 14 days after classes are assigned, the fee will be due in addition to any enrollment fee paid as well as tuition owed based on time enrolled or work completed, whichever is greater, not to exceed the full tuition balance for the school year. Students in the Homeschool Program who have purchased books prior to withdrawal will need to handle book returns separately with the applicable textbook supplier (AOP or BJU Press).

*Sapphire Live students will be charged a $750 withdrawal fee minus any enrollment fee paid if withdrawing prior to 14 days after classes start, $3,000 if withdrawing between 15 and 30 days of classes starting, and the full-year tuition after 30 days of classes starting. If withdrawing from the Sapphire Live Program after 30 days, students may switch to the Online or Homeschool Program for the remainder of the school year without any additional fees assessed.

Grades PreK-12: I understand that Enlightium’s report card/transcript will not be released until the withdrawal fee and tuition due are paid; this withdrawal policy applies if the withdrawal is initiated by myself or Enlightium’s administration due to lack of payment, low academic progress, low attendance, failure to comply with Enlightium Academy policies, and/or any other reasons communicated via email.

Grades PreK-12: I understand that the withdrawal fee does not apply to Add-Ons, premium electives, or any additional courses or offerings, as those are payable in full and due upon enrollment of the course (unless noted otherwise) and are non-refundable 14 days after courses are assigned.

Grades 3-12: I understand that as honors courses, standard courses, and remedial courses are separate courses, there is a $100 course transfer fee to transfer grades from one course to another after 14 days after the course start date. The cost to transfer between programs (Online using Ignitia, Online using Canvas, Homeschool, Sapphire Live, or Hybrid) is $200. A course change is anything hosted inside of the student’s current school program. If the student needs to change educational programs, then the program change fee will instead apply.

Grades PreK-12: Enlightium reserves the right to withdraw a student in the event that a parent or guardian violates the Enlightium Academy Parent/Guardian Code of Conduct.

1.5 Billing Policies

Grades PreK-12: I authorize Enlightium Academy to electronically charge my debit card, credit card, or bank account for tuition, as outlined below, and, if necessary, to electronically charge my debit or credit card to correct an erroneous transaction. I also understand that Enlightium may send account delinquent balances to a debt collection agency if my account becomes overdue and I fail to communicate promptly about my inability to make payments or arrange a payment plan, or if I fail to follow an agreed-upon payment plan.

Grades PreK-12: I understand that the first tuition payment will be made with the payment method on record as early as three days after the enrollment form is submitted. The amount charged will be based on information provided on the enrollment form, such as the student’s grade and the teacher support package chosen. I also understand that the final tuition will be communicated to my family via email. If additional services are rendered (agreed upon with the parent or guardian at the time of course assignment) at any time but not previously charged, such as additional classes, premium electives, or if other items are added, a new email will be sent and the remaining payment(s) will be adjusted accordingly. Tuition and fees can be paid in two ways–upfront or with an installment plan. All payments paid on a monthly installment plan will require Identity Verification. Documentation of identity is requested to be submitted within three days of enrollment and can be uploaded using the Student Records Uploader or sent to records@enlightiumacademy.com. Parents can request to switch between these payment options by contacting the billing department. 

Grades PreK-12: If I believe that a charge was processed in error, I will contact the Enlightium Academy Billing Department by emailing billing@enlightiumacademy.com to void the payment on the same day of the charge or to process a next-day refund via ACH rather than submitting any disputes with a credit card agency. I also understand that improper chargeback disputes will result in a $45 charge to my account. Returned payments on the account will result in a $45 charge. If more than two returned payments occur on an account within 12 months, then future payments will need to be paid with a credit or debit card, and echecks will no longer be accepted. In cases of bank errors or disagreements regarding payment status, bank records, and other documents will be requested. These documents can be sent to billing@enlightiumacademy.com.

Grades PreK-12: I understand that an initial declined transaction will be reprocessed for two additional attempts over ten days; after the second attempt, a $5 late fee will be added to the payment. If on the tenth day, the third processing attempt is not successful, the student's accounts will be deactivated, and a $25 reactivation fee will be due. I also understand that I have a total of ten days from the initial scheduled payment date to make a payment or request an arrangement to avoid my student’s account being deactivated. Enlightium Academy will send automated notifications via email for delinquent payments.  

Grades PreK-12: I understand that a $25 reactivation fee will be due before my student’s account can be reactivated. I also understand that once deactivated, I have 15 days to pay, make arrangements, or be withdrawn, at which point my student may only be reinstated upon administrative approval; an additional $50 reinstatement fee will be due prior to reinstatement. If the student is enrolled in the Continuous Enrollment Program, they will also be reinstated to the Continuous Enrollment program if reinstating their student within 45 days. If they are interested in rejoining the Continuous Enrollment Program after 45 days, an optional $75 fee ($125 total) will be assessed to rejoin the Continuous Enrollment Program.

Grades PreK-12: I understand that the tuition must be paid by the end of the school year. Under exceptional circumstances, tuition payments may be scheduled into the summer months. In such cases, I understand my responsibility to make the remaining payments after the school year is over since the tuition is based on the coursework assigned and not on the time frame wherein the curriculum is accessed. I also understand that requesting to extend payments past the end of the school year will result in an additional fee of 20% per payment being scheduled past the school end date (see the official school calendar). 

Grades PreK-12: I understand that Enlightium reserves the right to hold records until the tuition and any additional fees have been paid in full. 

Grades PreK-12: Enlightium Academy retains a right to any refund due if there is an outstanding balance on the account. Any payments made to Enlightium Academy will be applied first to any past-due amounts.

Grades PreK-12: I understand that refunds for overpayment must be refunded to the original payment method but will be left as tuition credit with Enlightium unless otherwise requested. In most cases, a form must be signed before a refund will be issued. This form will depend on the criteria of the refund. If the refund type is different from the original payment method, a $30 refund fee may apply, and other verification documentation will be required. In cases of lost access to the original payment method, bank or card processor confirmation will be required to process a refund. 

Grades PreK-12: I understand that if I utilize a voucher payment for my student from a third party, then the balance must be paid in a maximum of four quarterly payments and that a fee of up to $150 may be assessed. If there is any state legislation regarding the voucher payment, then that will supersede this policy, and a new policy will be enacted on a case-by-case basis to best reflect the original intentions of this policy. Voucher payments are not refundable directly to parents as required by law and may be subject to alternative withdrawal policies, depending on the state requirements and other factors. 

Grades PreK-12: I understand that discounts do not apply to Add-Ons, premium electives, or any other additional fee. Discounts for tuition or enrollment fees cannot be combined. I also understand that part-time students are not eligible for discounts. Part-time for billing purposes is fewer than two credits taken per semester or fewer than four credits per school year. Promo codes for the enrollment fee are not applicable to returning households. Discounts are not stackable in cases of billing errors in favor of the student, up to the maximum projected allowable discounted amount.

Grades PreK-12: I understand that Enlightium offers a standard level of support based on my selected teacher support level for a set period of time (typically until the end of the school year or, if an extension is purchased and applicable, during the summer). I also understand that Enlightium reserves the right to charge fees for additional services beyond the selected support level and for extending the duration of services offered (i.e. early start or summer school). Any additional fees will be typically communicated via email.

PreK-12: I understand that after 14 days of my student’s courses being assigned, there will be a $5 fee for a one-time change of payment date, as well as a $15 fee if I choose to change all remaining payment dates.

PreK-12: I understand that upon receiving my student’s tuition scheduled email, I have 14 days to respond with any questions or adjustments. After this 14-day period, the tuition scheduled email will be in fulfillment of the pricing agreement of these terms. I also understand that if I make any additional purchases or make other changes, future tuition-scheduled emails will also be legally binding with the same 14-day period applied.

Grades 3-12: I understand that 14 days after courses are assigned, there is a $100 fee for changing my student’s teacher support package, such as from the Silver+ Package to the Silver Package. The tuition difference will be calculated based on the work completed or time enrolled. The fee to switch from the premium Online Program packages (i.e. Gold, Diamond) will be waived the first time. Also, I understand that if the tuition was prepaid, I can select between a one-time payment for the difference in tuition (including a current prepayment discount, if applicable) or the monthly payment option with no discounts. The fee to switch between support platforms is an additional $100, up to $200 total. 

Grades 9-12: I understand that my student will be assigned the recommended coursework to progress toward graduation and that graduation requirements must be met in order to graduate. I also understand that the standard full-time student tuition is calculated based on grade level. I also understand that if enrolling as a part-time student, the student cost per credit is applicable.

Grade 12: I understand that if my student is a graduating senior there will be a $150 graduation fee. If the prepayment option is chosen, the $150 fee will be added to my tuition. If the monthly payment plan is chosen, the $150 fee will be divided evenly among my monthly payments. If the diploma needs to be mailed outside of the United States, the graduation fee is $200. Any additional documentation may incur an additional charge. If the diploma needs to be mailed more than one time (such as if the mailing address provided by the family is not current), each additional shipping fee will be charged to the card on file. If my student completes more than two years (2025-2026 and on) while in a Continuous Enrollment agreement, the default graduation fee will be waived.

1.6 Technical Policies

Grades 3-12 in the Online and Sapphire Live Programs: I understand that a working computer and an internet connection are required for students to access Ignitia or Canvas, the online learning management platforms used at Enlightium and that Enlightium does not provide computers for its students as that is the parent’s responsibility. I understand that students can learn from any device that can access the Internet using a browser such as Chrome, Brave, or Firefox; however, it is recommended to use only a laptop or desktop computer to submit work such as quizzes and tests.

Grades PreK-9 in the Homeschool Program: I understand that I need a working computer and an internet connection to upload graded work to Canvas and that Enlightium does not provide computers.

Grades PreK-12: All families need to opt into various forms of communication from Enlightium, including email, SMS text, and the use of the Enlightium Parents app.

Grades PreK-12: I understand that my student or I may be required to take pictures of hand-written work or drawings for assignments in courses such as math and science. 

Grades PreK-12: I understand that satellite internet is not recommended as it may cause technical issues with online learning. I also understand that Enlightium is not liable for any issues caused by satellite internet.

Grades PreK-12: I understand that my student is expected to adhere to Enlightium’s online student behavioral policies as presented in the Family Handbook. I understand that if my student’s online activities pose a security risk to Enlightium Academy or its students, Enlightium will take immediate action to disable their school accounts, at which time a meeting will be arranged between the student, their parents/guardians, and the administration to discuss potential disciplinary actions to prevent such behavior. I understand that it is my responsibility to inform my student of the potential dangers associated with meeting strangers in online chatrooms, opening unknown file attachments, and accessing websites with questionable content.

Grades PreK-12: I understand that my student will be provided a school email account. This email account should be accessed each school day, as students can use it to sign into third-party platforms such as Canvas. Additionally, students will receive some communication from the Enlightium team to their school email account.

1.7 Bronze Package

This section is ONLY applicable to parents of students enrolled in the Bronze Package.

Grades 3-10: I understand that I am required to read, sign, and submit the Enlightium Bronze Parent Agreement Form. This form outlines my responsibilities to ensure the success of my student(s) enrolled in the parent-led Bronze Program.

2. Privacy Policy & Terms of Service

This privacy policy has been compiled to inform you on how your and your student’s “Personally Identifiable Information” (PII) is collected and used. Although more detail is provided below, these are some of the areas we feel are important to note:

  1. We keep Enlightium families’ information confidential and do not sell any personally identifiable information acquired through their use of the Enlightium website, the submission of forms, and receiving services.
  2. Any calls, video conferences, or other virtual communications to or from Enlightium staff and faculty may be monitored and recorded for record-keeping, training, and quality assurance purposes.
  3. Periodically, we send educational and promotional emails. You may unsubscribe from promotional emails at any time via an email request.
  4. Enlightium’s website uses cookies.
  5. When you visit or log in to our website, cookies and similar technologies may be used by our online data partners or vendors to associate these activities with other personal information they or others have about you, including by association with your email or home address. We (or service providers on our behalf) may then send communications and marketing to these email or home addresses. You may opt out of receiving this advertising by unsubscribing.
  6. Using our website or services indicates that you have reviewed, and agree to be bound by, our Privacy Policy.
What personal information do we collect from people who visit our blog, website, or enroll?
When do we collect information?
How do we use your information?
How do we protect your information?
Do we use cookies?
Third-party disclosure
California Online Privacy Protection Act (CalOPPA)
Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA)
Children Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA)
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

3. Website Terms of Service

3.1 Terms of Service for Enlightium Academy
3.2 Responsible Use and Conduct
3.3 Privacy
3.4 Limitation of Warranties
3.5 Limitation of Liability
3.6 Termination of Use
3.7 Governing Policies
3.8 Guarantee

Page last edited on December 19, 2024.

Contacting Us

If there are any questions regarding the above user agreements, you may contact us using the information provided.

Enlightium Academy, LLC
1330 N. Washington Street, Suite 5050
Spokane, Washington 99201
United States
(509) 319-2288

Enlightium Academy is a private Christian school serving homeschool, online, and Alliance school students on their journey to embrace their God-given talents and develop a lifelong thirst for knowledge from the biblical worldview.

Copyright © 2003-2025 Enlightium Academy
Privacy Policy & Terms of Service