By Noah Phalen on Tuesday, 13 February 2024
Category: Ignitia Troubleshooting

Ignitia Troubleshooting: My Student is Not Able to Log In

It’s 8 am. Lil’ Billy finishes breakfast and is ready to tackle that English lesson he’s been putting off. He moseys to the computer. Suddenly, from the living room: “Moooom!” 

He is not able to log into Ignitia to start his courses. The screen shows “Invalid credentials”.

The good news is that there are three simple steps to follow, none of which should take too long. 

The bad news is you may need to reset your password.

A few notes before you get started:

1. Clear your cache and cookies and try again.

The recommended browsers for using Ignitia are Chrome and Firefox:

2. Try a different Internet browser. 

  1. If you are not using either Chrome or Firefox, download and use them.
  2. If you are using Chrome, try Firefox. If you are using Firefox, try Chrome

3. Check Ignitia Down Days

Your students may be unable to log in simply because it is currently an Ignitia Down Day. At a few key points in the year, Ignitia will be down so that teachers can complete their end-of-the-quarter duties. Here are the dates for the Ignitia Down Days.  

4. Submit the Ignitia Password Reset Form


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