

Learn about homeschooling requirements in South Dakota and discover your options for college as a homeschooler at Enlightium Academy.


in South Dakota are currently
enrolled in Enlightium Academy.

At Enlightium Academy, we offer an accredited curriculum to ensure our homeschool students are recognized at colleges and universities.

South Dakota Homeschooling Requirements

Notify the state

Direction provided by Enlightium

Academic calendar requirement

Enlightium meets South Dakota’s requirement

Take required subjects

Courses provided by Enlightium

Take standardized assessment

Enlightium administers multiple assessment options annually

Teacher qualifications

South Dakota has no teacher requirements. Enlightium instructors are state- and/or ACSI-certified. Additionally, over 40% of instructors have their Masters or Doctorate degree

Enlightium Parents App

After enrolling, you can join the South Dakota Group in the Enlightium Parents app to receive reminders and updates on South Dakota homeschooling requirements and meet other Enlightium families living in South Dakota.

Enlightium Academy is a private Christian school serving homeschool, online, and Alliance school students on their journey to embrace their God-given talents and develop a lifelong thirst for knowledge from the biblical worldview.

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