Advantages of Online Christian Homeschooling


The homeschooling option1 has been one of the most popular solutions for education for decades. It provides parents the opportunity to teach religious principles to their children. However, many parents have questions about how homeschooling would affect their child’s high school years, namely: 

  • Limitations to socialization
  • Access to specialized courses to advance their skills in subjects they love
  • Receiving a high school diploma from an accredited school
  • Being admitted to a college of their choice 

This is where online Christian homeschooling shines as the best answer to meet varying students' academic needs. 

This blog will cover five distinct advantages that come with an online Christian homeschooling program.

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How the Online Learning Environment Has Changed the Face of Education

How the Online Learning Environment Has Changed the Face of Education

Students taking technical courses online face different challenges in an online learning environment. Parents, teachers and students are familiar with the traditional, ‘brick and mortar’ approaches to education. It’s what we were raised with. In that environment, students are gathered into an assigned space at a specific time where a teacher provides the instruction. The teacher leads in the presentation of the content and then moves to a lab-based activity. This is a linear focused approach that has instructional milestones and sets evaluations (i.e. quizzes or exams) to confirm student understanding and mastery of a set of objectives over a fixed period of time.

What model and approach works for the students today?

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