Navigating Annual Assessments for Homeschooled Students in Grade 9


For homeschooled students in grade 9, annual assessments are an important part of tracking progress. Not only do they provide feedback on students’ academic strengths and weaknesses, but they can also offer insights into course planning, college readiness, and career paths. This guide will explore the different tests available to homeschooled students in grade 9, including the PSAT 8/9 and the CLT10. With this information in hand, parents can make informed decisions about which assessments best align with their student’s academic goals and any state requirements that may be present.


Why Should 9th Graders Take a Standardized Assessment?

9th graders should consider taking standardized assessments because these tests can provide valuable insights into their academic strengths and areas for improvement early in their high school journey. Standardized tests help students gauge their readiness for future college entrance exams like the SAT or ACT and can even qualify them for advanced coursework or scholarship opportunities. Additionally, these assessments are used to track progress, tailor instruction, and ensure students are meeting educational benchmarks. By taking these tests seriously, 9th graders set themselves up for success, gaining a clearer understanding of their academic standing and preparing for future academic challenges.

Additionally, many states require students to take a standardized assessment. You can check Enlightium’s state blogs or to see if your state requires 9th-grade students to take a standardized test, and which tests may qualify.


Which Standardized Tests Should a 9th-Grader Consider?

Students in grade 9 can consider two testing options:

  1. The PSAT 8/9 is a standardized test that measures their knowledge in reading, writing, and math. It is the same format as the PSAT for high school students but with age-appropriate content. Homeschooled students need to take the assessment in person at their local public school. If you are interested in having your child take the PSAT 8/9,  you will need to reach out to your local schools or school district to see who is offering it and when. Currently this test can only be proctored in person and only on one testing day at a local school.
  2. The CLT10 is a test that assesses student performance across verbal reasoning, grammar and writing, and quantitative reasoning. This test does not need to be administered in person, so students can take it online from home. If you are interested in having your student take the CLT10, you can find registration information at

Both of these assessments can help parents gain insight into their child’s academic strengths and weaknesses as they begin high school.


What Can Students Expect in the Assessments?

English (Reading and Writing) assessments are typically included in annual assessments. These types of tests measure a student’s ability to interpret essays or stories through analysis of literature or other related topics. A student’s knowledge of English comprehension can be tested in multiple genres, such as persuasive writing, creative writing, poetry analysis, or expository essays. To prepare for this component of an assessment, it is important to make sure your student understands basic grammar rules and writing mechanics.

Math assessments often include questions from all areas of mathematics, including algebraic equations, geometry, data analysis, and probability questions. When preparing for a math assessment, it can be helpful to review formulas and practice applying them to solve problems independently. Additionally, having some knowledge of statistics and real-world application problems can be beneficial when taking any type of math test.


With an understanding of each type of exam available, parents can work with their child to ensure they are best prepared by setting realistic goals and expectations prior to test day.

Furthermore, staying informed about each specific requirement associated with each assessed subject area will help families make more informed decisions when selecting which tests best suit their student’s academic goals.


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Enlightium Academy is a private Christian online school that serves homeschooling families by offering a Bible-based, flexible, accredited, teacher-supported, and affordable education from the comfort of your home. For any other questions about Enlightium, please call (509) 319-2288, or visit

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