How Keeping a Clean Desk Can Help Your Online Student Focus and Reduce Anxiety


As parents of online students, it can be difficult to ensure that your children are staying focused on their coursework and keeping their space organized. Having a clean desk and workspace can help lower anxiety levels, improve focus, and increase productivity. By teaching your student the importance of a clean desk, you can provide them with an environment conducive to learning and help them stay motivated as they make progress in their courses.

The Benefits of Keeping a Clean Desk

Keeping a clean desk is important for online students, as it can help reduce distractions and increase focus. Studies have shown that having an organized workspace can lead to improved mental and physical well-being, allowing students to stay on task for longer periods of time. Additionally, the act of tidying up can reduce stress levels, leading to a more positive learning environment.

Steps for Keeping a Clean Desk

When it comes to keeping their desk tidy, there are some simple steps that your student can take:

  • Utilize storage solutions – By investing in storage bins or drawers, your student can keep all supplies neatly tucked away. This will allow them to easily find what they need without having to rummage through clutter.
  • Set up cleaning routines – Have your student designate specific days in which they tidy up their workspace. For instance, they could designate Mondays as their “desk cleaning day”, where they declutter and reorganize after the weekend.
  • Place important items close at hand – Encourage your student to keep items such as notebooks and textbooks within arm’s reach so that they don’t have to search through piles of papers every time they need them.

More Than Just Tidying Up

Creating physical boundaries between schoolwork and leisure activities is another great way to promote mental well-being during remote learning sessions. Consider setting up a separate workstation with a laptop or desktop computer just for school activities; this will create an invisible barrier between studying and other activities like gaming or social media browsing. Doing so will also enable students to switch off from their studies when necessary so that they don’t burn out from overworking themselves.

Encouraging Organization Skills in Your Student

Teaching organizational skills goes beyond just tidying up; it also involves teaching students how to prioritize tasks, plan ahead, and manage their time wisely. As parents, you can help encourage these skills in your child by encouraging them to create lists of goals and tasks each day before getting started on their coursework. You can also teach them how to break down large assignments into smaller chunks so that they don’t feel overwhelmed by the amount of work they have left to do at once.


In conclusion, teaching your online student the importance of keeping a clean desk is essential if they want to remain focused while studying from home. Not only does having an organized workspace reduce anxiety levels, but it also helps boost productivity levels and encourages organizational skills which will last even after school is out of session!

Enlightium Academy is a private Christian online school that serves homeschooling families by offering a Bible-based, flexible, accredited, teacher-supported, and affordable education from the comfort of your home. For any other questions about Enlightium, please call (509) 319-2288, or visit


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