Finding a Second Chance at Education: How Enlightium Academy Can Help Expelled Students


When a student is expelled from school due to academic or behavioral concerns, it can be an overwhelming experience for both the student and their parents. It’s challenging to find a new school that can provide a personalized academic approach to education. Enlightium Academy offers exactly what parents of expelled students might need to help their student to get on track. As an online school, Enlightium Academy accepts students throughout the year in grades PreK-12. We provide an easy admissions process, affordable tuition, counselors, and caring teachers who guide each student toward an accredited diploma. Read on to learn more about how Enlightium Academy can help your child get back on track with their education!

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Reclaiming Your Child's Well-Being: How Homeschooling Can Reduce Stress and Anxiety


As parents of children who attend public schools, we want the best for our kids – academically, socially, and emotionally. But what happens when our children become so overwhelmed with their schoolwork that their stress levels skyrocket? Is there an alternative to traditional schooling that can help them to feel more in control? The answer may be homeschooling. By removing the traditional classroom environment from the equation, homeschooling can provide a respite from the pressures of modern society and give your child’s mental health a much-needed break.

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