Any recurring activity that meets the following requirements may earn Physical Education credit. Please keep an accurate record of the activity, time spent, and skill level (if applicable).
Other Fine Arts electives include musical instruments, vocal music, choir, and private lessons (theater, dance, drawing, etc). The following requirements must be met:
*Examples include a local art instructor or music teacher, but not an Enlightium teacher.
Offline electives are not required by Enlightium for primary school students, although your state may require a course that can be covered by an offline elective. The offline elective will show on the student’s report card.
Whether students are using the AOP or BJU curriculum, the following add-on fee applies for an offline elective:
Discounts do not apply to offline electives.
Students in grades 3-8 must take a physical education course each school year:
There is no additional cost for a student to take an offline elective unless the inclusion of the offline elective results in the student’s courseload surpassing 5.5 credits for grades 3-5 or 6.0 credits for grades 6-8. In that case, the cost for the offline elective is as follows:
Discounts do not apply to offline electives.
Offline electives are not required by Enlightium for high school students, although some credits may be earned through our offline elective options, if desired. The offline elective will show on the student’s transcript.
There is no additional cost for a high school student to take an offline elective unless the inclusion of the offline elective results in the student’s courseload surpassing 7.0 credits. In that case, the cost for the offline elective is as follows:
Discounts do not apply to offline electives.
Include your interest in taking an offline elective on your student’s enrollment or re-enrollment form, or email your student’s counselor if you have already enrolled. Your student’s Enlightium counselor will review your request and inform you whether or not the activity listed can count as an offline elective.