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Battle of Williamson’s Plantation Letter To Sister

Battle of Williamson’s Plantation: Letter To Sister

July 12, 1780

Dear Sister,

It’s midday and the battle rages on. Per usual, the men’s garbs I am forced to wear to keep my gender hidden is as stiff as it was the first time I donned it, though it feels lighter. I have yet to be discovered, but have suffered a bullet wound to the left arm. The treatment of the injury nearly had me identified as a woman.

Battle of Williamson’s Plantation Letter To SisterAt 5 o’clock this morning, the battle began and has continued, for me, since three-quarters after 11 o’clock. My small relief is used to write this letter to you, Sister. It’s no good to wake up and begin a morning with gunfire and death. But ‘tis the life of a male soldier. Such I have strived to seem, so I can defend my country. The Lord has been with us every step of the way, and all our victories go to Him. We can only pray our next win is in His will.

The Whigs, as we have been so infamously labeled by the Loyalists and British, have suffered little ‘cept a wounded man who should recover in two weeks worth. Carlin is tallying, per usual. How he is able to accurately account for losses and gains, is beyond me. The Loyalist’s have suffered approx 53 deaths, with 9 captured, and some wounded, since I last confronted Carlin. He said the battles’ end is looking to be favorable for us, to which I agree.

Commander William Bratton has recalled us. I shall finish this letter if we can win with my life intact.

It’s a half after 9 o’clock. “Victory, victory!” yells go ’round the campfire. “Victory, victory!” for we have won. The atmosphere is joyous and nary a dismayed expression. Sadly, we have suffered a death of one Mr. Frederick Ron. Thankfully, he did not have a wife to widow or children to leave fatherless.

Battle of Williamson’s Plantation Letter To SisterCarlin has totalled to only one death and wound on the Whigs, but 69 killed, 10 captured, and 2 wounded on the Loyalists and British, combined. Their defeat has boosted our militia’s confidence substantially.

There were complications with the canon, but Erickson was able to correct them, fortunately. Without his quick work, we would have likely been defeated or suffered more losses. Looking to the side, I can even see comrades congratulating him.

Despite the constant state of war, blood, and pain, I know that it will be worth it in the end. I look forward to returning home to you, Sister. Please tell Mother and Father that I miss them. I know Father yearns to fight on the battlefield, just as I did. But please remind him that I’ll be home soon.

Bella Mavis

(A/N: This letter takes place during the Battle Of Williamson’s Plantation, or Huck’s Defeat.)


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