By Thomas Lambert, Ed.S. on Thursday, 09 June 2016
Category: Homeschooling Parents

Bible Verses About Fathers that Transform a Dad’s Heart

Since the birth of my son, Father’s Day has become a very special holiday in our family. My wife has a gift of celebrating other people, and she goes all out to make me feel special as a dad with a day full of my favorite activities and food, along with a gift. This year, she wants to buy me a new disc for disc golfing. Although receiving material gifts can be fun, there are a few other things that I would much rather receive from my son. These treasures are founded in a collection of Bible verses about fathers I’ve found inspirational as a dad.



One of the first Bible verses about fathers that speaks to me is Psalm 103:13. In this passage it says, As a father shows compassion to his children, so the Lord shows compassion to those who fear Him.” The relationship between my son and I is a wonderful picture of this truth. My son, Titus, is all boy, and I would have it no other way. Each day when I get home from work, Titus is ready to wrestle with his daddy. The battle generally begins with him sneaking behind me, hitting me on the leg, and running away laughing with the expectation of me chasing after. What follows is half an hour of growling, tickling, and pillows to the face. This is honestly my favorite part of the day as I translate his desire to spend quality time together as our way of showing affection for one another.


For my wife, on the other hand, Titus shows his affection somewhat differently. He is constantly giving long hugs, sweet kisses, and random “I love you”s. Although I sometimes envy the gentler form of affection Titus shares with his mother, my relationship with him is a constant reminder of my relationship with God. Sometimes I desire His love in the form of quality time and other times I simply need to rest in the embrace of His love and hear His gentle voice. If you are looking for a meaningful gift to give your dad for Father’s Day, this is one of the great Bible verses about fathers to use as inspiration to show him affection in a way that is meaningful to him. Perhaps it is by showing your appreciation for him with words, giving him a genuine hug, doing something nice for him, or just spending quality time hanging out.



My dad is an electrician by trade. He is knowledgable in his field and works hard at his job. He is also my go-to person for asking any questions regarding electrical issues. My dad once walked me through installing a new breaker, wire, and air conditioner over the phone. I know that phone call blessed my dad. For me to ask my dad for help speaks volumes to him about who I think he is, and how valuable I think he is. A father wants his children to value his input and view him as a valuable resource in a time of need.


Another one of the Bible verses about fathers that represents this type of a relationship is James 1:5. “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.” Our Father is wise and welcomes His children who are searching for answers. What a great model for the father and child relationship.


As fathers, we are likewise called to mentor our children in the ways of the Lord. I count it a privilege to be a father, as it is one of my highest callings. Similar to when I have an electrical problem and I go to my dad for help, I go to my heavenly Father for direction, and likewise, my son comes to me for guidance. Be sure to add requesting mentorship from your dad for your Father’s Day shopping list. Your dad will feel valued and you’ll be surprised at what you will learn from him!


Shared Interests

Each Saturday, I play soccer in an adult soccer league. For many years, soccer has been a favorite sport of mine, whether it be playing or camping in front of the TV for the World Cup. It brings me so much joy to see Titus taking an interest in soccer as well! A close friend of mine has a son the same age who is crazy about basketball, which brings his father joy because his father loves basketball too. A father loves seeing his children take an interest in something he loves.


Although Genesis 5 isn’t commonly associated with other more popular Bible verses about fathers, it does show how God the Father demonstrated the same joy a father has when his children pursue his interests. God was grieved in His heart because He “saw that the wickedness of man was great on earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.” But Noah was different. The intention of Noah’s heart was not of evil and wickedness, but of righteousness, and so he found favor in the eyes of the Lord. Noah was interested in the things the Lord was interested in, and God was blessed as his Father.


Every father is different, but each could relate to these three desires from his children: showing affection, valuing mentorship, and exploring shared interests. Knowing we are made in the image of our perfect Father in heaven, fathers should desire these things. Take the time to consider how you can use the insight in these Bible verses about fathers to make Father’s Day special for the dads in your life.


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