Mastering a Schedule for Brick and Mortar Hybrid Schools: A Guide for Enlightium Partner Schools


With the rise of private schools providing an alternative education, where students split their time between online and traditional brick-and-mortar in-person learning, creating a schedule that works for everyone involved can be a challenging task. As an Alliance Partner School with Enlightium Academy, you have access to our expertise in this area. We will guide you through the process of creating a successful schedule for your school, ensuring that students are getting the most out of their education. 


What is a Hybrid School?

Before we delve into creating a schedule for a hybrid school, let's first understand what it means. Hybrid education combines both online learning and direct teacher instruction. This type of education is especially beneficial because it offers personalized attention and academic flexibility while allowing students to explore their interests at home or in the community. It is an innovative approach to education that has gained popularity in recent years. 

For students attending a school four days a week, check out our sample schedule. Students with a twice-a-week schedule can have a custom Hybrid schedule, spending two days of the week with teachers and two days working on assignments under parental supervision at home. This schedule should satisfy your state’s requirements for a total of instructional hours.


Why a Schedule Matters for Partner Schools

A good schedule ensures that all aspects of the curriculum are covered and gives students enough time to learn and retain information. It also allows parents to plan their days accordingly and know when their child will be attending classes virtually or in person.


Steps to Creating a Schedule for Partner Schools

1. Determine your Goals as a School

Before creating a schedule, it is important to determine your goals as a partner school: 

  • What do you want your students to achieve? 
  • What subjects would you like to teach in person and what subjects students can take virtually? 
  • What elective courses would you like to offer? 
  • How many breaks should they have? 

Asking these types of questions will help you create a schedule that aligns with your goals.

2. Set Aside Time for Meeting with Other Teachers

In a hybrid school environment, setting aside dedicated time for meetings with other teachers is crucial for fostering collaboration and ensuring cohesive educational strategies. These meetings provide a platform for educators to discuss curriculum integration, share best practices, and address any challenges arising from the combination of in-person and online instruction. By scheduling regular, structured meeting times, teachers can synchronize their efforts, align their teaching goals, and create a more unified learning experience for students. This collaborative approach not only enhances instructional quality but also supports a sense of community among staff, ultimately benefiting both teachers and students in navigating the complexities of a hybrid educational model.

3. Determine the Amount of Time Needed per Subject

Determining the amount of time needed per subject based on a student's grade level is essential for optimizing their learning experience and ensuring academic growth. Younger students, such as those in elementary grades, often require shorter, more focused periods for each subject to maintain engagement and prevent fatigue. On average, their classes are 30 minutes. In contrast, older students in middle and high school can handle longer (45-50 minutes per class), more intensive sessions that delve deeper into content and foster critical thinking.

Tailoring the time spent on each subject according to grade level helps in balancing the cognitive load and aligns with developmental readiness, allowing students to absorb material effectively and achieve a well-rounded education. This thoughtful approach not only enhances learning outcomes but also supports the overall well-being of students by respecting their varying capacities for concentration and endurance at different stages of their academic journey.

4. Plan for Breaks

Taking breaks during the school day is essential for maintaining student focus and overall well-being. Short, structured breaks allow students to recharge, reduce stress, and process information more effectively, leading to improved concentration and productivity when they return to their studies. These intervals also provide opportunities for social interaction and physical movement, which are crucial for both mental and physical health. Incorporating regular breaks into the school day helps create a balanced learning environment where students can stay engaged and motivated throughout their academic activities. Usually, states require to have at least one break (10-15 minutes) in the morning and afternoon, and a 30-minute lunch break. 

5. Utilize a School Calendar

A school calendar is crucial for both the school and its families as it provides a structured timeline for the academic year, detailing key dates such as the start and end of semesters, important holidays, and events. For the school, it helps in planning, organizing, and ensuring a smooth operation. For families, the calendar offers a clear outline of when students are expected to be in school or on break, aiding in the coordination of family activities, vacations, and childcare. Overall, a well-defined school calendar fosters effective communication and planning, supporting a balanced and organized educational experience for all who are involved.


What’s Next?

Creating a schedule for a hybrid school may seem like a challenging task, but with these steps in mind, you can create one that works for your school. Remember to keep your goals in mind, utilize available resources effectively, and consider student needs while planning for flexibility. With clear communication and collaboration between all parties involved, your hybrid school can provide an exceptional education experience for your students.

At Enlightium Academy, we are committed to supporting our partner schools in creating successful schedules that meet their unique needs. If you're interested in starting a partner school or want more information on our hybrid schooling program, take the first step today towards creating the perfect hybrid homeschool by exploring Enlightium Academy's Alliance Program and the resources available for starting up a successful co-op or micro-school! Together, we can continue providing quality education options for students and families.


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Enlightium Academy is a private Christian online school that serves homeschooling families by offering a Bible-based, flexible, accredited, teacher-supported, and affordable education from the comfort of your home. For any other questions about Enlightium, please call (509) 319-2288, or visit

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