How to Start a New Private Christian School


Embarking on the journey to start a private Christian school is a noble endeavor that can profoundly impact your community for generations. With the recent rise of School Choice legislation in many states, now is an ideal time for church communities across the nation to create private Christian schools where parents can actively partner in their children’s education from a biblical worldview. Depending on your state’s regulations, some or all of the tuition may even be covered by vouchers or educational credits, making this vision more accessible than ever.

But where do you begin? The thought of starting a school can seem overwhelming, and the process is undoubtedly complex. However, you don’t have to navigate this journey alone. At Enlightium Academy, we’re committed to guiding you every step of the way, helping you launch your school in or around six months. With over 20 years of experience in supporting new private schools both in the United States and around the world, we’ve honed our approach to ensure that your school not only opens successfully but also thrives in the long term.

Whether you’re a seasoned educator or just stepping into this field, our team is here to help turn your vision into reality. Between 2005 and 2015, I helped to launch seven brick-and-mortar schools, all of which are now flourishing independently. Today, thanks to the support and expertise of Enlightium Academy, dozens of private schools are up and running, each making a lasting impact on the lives of young people.

It’s important to recognize that opening a school is not an overnight process; it requires time, dedication, and a strong commitment from you and your team. But the good news is that you won’t be doing it alone. 

In this blog series, I will break down the journey into manageable phases, providing practical steps and insights at every stage.


Phase 1: Envisioning Your School and Gathering Data

Your journey begins with a clear vision. What kind of school does your community need? How can you best serve the families in your area? In this first phase, you’ll focus on shaping your vision and gathering crucial data to understand the demand for a private school. It’s vital to surround yourself with a team of like-minded individuals and church leaders who share your passion. Together, you’ll assess your starting point and set clear goals for the future.


Phase 2: Engaging with Parents

Once your vision is in place, it’s time to engage with parents in your community. Effective communication is key to building support and ensuring that your school meets the needs and expectations of families. In this phase, you’ll learn how to conduct surveys, analyze the data, and keep parents informed as you progress. Your goal is to build strong relationships with parents, ensuring that your vision aligns with their hopes for their children’s education.


Phase 3: Planning for Success

With a clear vision and parental support, you’ll move into the planning phase. This is where the groundwork is laid for your school’s success. You’ll tackle critical tasks such as fulfilling state requirements, registering your school, developing policies, planning your budget, selecting a curriculum, and hiring staff. This phase is about turning your vision into a concrete, actionable plan that sets your school up for a successful launch.


Phase 4: Implementing Your Plan

The implementation phase is where all your planning comes to life. As your school opens its doors, you’ll be piloting your vision in real-time, guiding your school through its first academic year. This year is crucial for building momentum and establishing your school’s foundation. Throughout this phase, you’ll need to monitor progress closely, involve parents in the process, and make adjustments as needed to ensure your school’s success.


Phase 5: Evaluating and Planning for the Future

After your first year, it’s time to reflect, evaluate, and plan for the future. This phase is about continuous improvement—learning from your experiences, celebrating your successes, and addressing any challenges you encounter. By conducting a comprehensive evaluation, you’ll be able to make informed decisions that will strengthen your school for years to come. Planning a re-enrollment night and communicating your school’s achievements and future plans to parents will set the stage for continued growth.


Supporting Every Step of the Way

Launching a school is a challenging, yet incredibly rewarding journey. At Enlightium Academy, we’re dedicated to providing you with the structure, resources, and guidance you need to succeed. Through regular mentoring meetings, hands-on training, and professional advice, we’ll support you in overcoming challenges and achieving your vision.

Our team is here to assist you virtually, guiding you through meetings with church leadership, helping you obtain the necessary documents, and providing you with an insider’s look at Enlightium Academy’s operations. By modeling your school on a proven system, you’ll be able to avoid common pitfalls and set your school up for long-term success.

In the next article in this series, we’ll dive into the practical steps of developing your school. Together, we can turn your dream of starting a private Christian school into a reality. Let’s begin this journey with confidence, knowing that you have the support and expertise needed to make a lasting impact on your community.

The Enlightium School System Agency (ESSA) empowers Christian schools by integrating cutting-edge educational technology, establishing benchmarks for academic excellence, and optimizing school operations. Please contact Mrs. Towner, or visit


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