How Do College Admission Officers View Students Who Were Homeschooled?
As homeschooling has become increasingly popular in recent years, many students and parents have wondered if college admission officers might “look down” on those who were homeschooled. The answer is a resounding “no;” college admissions officers recognize that homeschooled students can bring unique qualities and experiences to their campus. In fact, they often see the self-discipline and initiative that comes with homeschooling as an asset. In this blog, we’ll look at how college admissions view homeschoolers, what objectives you should focus on as a homeschool student, and tips for making your application stand out.
Do Colleges Look Down on Homeschooling?
When it comes to college admissions, there is typically no bias toward homeschoolers. Colleges are looking for students who demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the course material and the ability to work independently without direct supervision. When considering applicants with a homeschool background, admissions officers focus on academic performance, extracurricular activities, internships, communication skills, and self-discipline.
Homeschool Graduates have Time-Management Skills
Homeschooled students often have a more flexible schedule that allows them to complete assignments on their terms and in their own time while staying on track to finish the school year on schedule. This time-management skill in high school can translate to a stronger academic performance in college, as homeschooled students are accustomed to taking the lead in their education.
Homeschooling Provides Mastery over the Material
For homeschooled high schoolers to meet the academic standards set by colleges, they must show that they possess sufficient knowledge in the core subject areas of English, Mathematics, Science, Literature, and Social Sciences, as well as any additional electives such as World Languages.
Earning stellar grades shows that students have mastery over these topics. Traditional-school students likely have to move at the pace of the rest of the class, whether they understand the material or not, while homeschooled students can move at their own pace and only have to test on a subject once they are confident that they comprehend the material. This approach can result in a better understanding of the material and better grades.
Homeschoolers Have More Time for Extracurricular Activities
While academics are essential for college applications, a college may also consider extracurricular activities such as student activities, community service, or participation in a student council. Partaking in extracurriculars demonstrates self-motivation and preparation for college. These activities build interpersonal skills and show that students can manage their time effectively while juggling multiple commitments simultaneously – an invaluable quality for any student entering higher education.
Homeschool students should make sure their application reflects their dedication to academics and extracurricular activities. This can show a college’s admissions team that you will make an excellent college student! Check out a list of colleges that have accepted Enlightium Academy graduates.
Enlightium Academy is a private Christian online school that serves homeschooling families by offering a Bible-based, flexible, accredited, teacher-supported, and affordable education from the comfort of your home. For any other questions about Enlightium, please call (509) 319-2288, or visit