High School Curriculum

Bible Courses

Bible courses are a valued and required aspect of the Enlightium Academy curriculum.

Bible courses are required while enrolled at Enlightium Academy. One Bible course should be taken each academic year while enrolled. Your student’s counselor will assign a Bible course based on their grade level. Bible courses typically follow the pattern below.

New Testament Survey

1 Credit
Typically taken in Grade 9

With the King James Version as a primary resource, this fully online Bible course examines the New Testament including the Gospels, the apostles, the Epistles, and biblical literature. In addition to the actual Bible study, students will explore some of the most pressing questions of the spirit including the purpose of human suffering, sharing Christ with others, and finding God's direction.

Through the New Testament, Jesus Christ and the authors of the Bible provide knowledge and direction to God's people. In this in-depth study of the 27 books of the New Testament, students will learn about the authors, their lives, their messages, and the relevance of these messages in their lives today. This interactive course also covers the Revelation of Christ and the seven seals, evangelism and outreach, the knowledge of our personal gifts, and God's will for our lives. Through thoughtful discussion and challenging questions, students will be encouraged to look at their lives and their futures from a Christian worldview and will learn how the history of the Bible affects the world we live in today.


Topics explored:

  • Introduction to the New Testament
  • The Gospels
  • The Acts of the Apostles
  • The Pauline Epistles
  • The General Epistles
  • The Revelation of Jesus Christ
  • Biblical Literature: Job and Suffering
  • Sharing Christ
  • God's Will for Your Life

Old Testament Survey

1 credit
Typically taken in Grade 10

With the King James Version as a primary resource, this fully online Bible course examines the entire Old Testament of the Bible with emphasis on how God worked throughout history to prepare the people of the world for the coming of His Son. Students will travel through history as lessons take them from the creation of the world, through classical Bible stories with key figures, through the rebuilding of the temple and the walls of Jerusalem.

Students enrolled in this Old Testament survey course will get a sweeping view of the books of the Bible while they discover classic stories and key figures that play a significant role in redemptive history. Lessons cover the great flood, Abraham and Isaac, lineage to Joseph, the Exodus, Israel in Canaan, and Joshua, the judges, and spiritual decline. Students will study the kingdom of Israel under Saul, David, and Solomon, the division of the kingdom, captivity of the Hebrews, the prophets, and the restoration. Lessons will ask students to critically examine some of the most pressing questions Christians face in the world today, and how to answer them in a Christ-centered way.


Topics explored:

  • Creation through Abraham
  • Abraham through Joseph
  • The Exodus and Wanderings
  • Israel in Canaan
  • The Judges and Spiritual Decline
  • The Kingdom
  • The Divided Kingdom
  • The Remaining Kingdom
  • The Captivity
  • The Restoration

Bible Doctrine

1 Credit
Typically taken in Grade 11

With the King James Version as a primary resource, this online Bible course examines how biblical doctrine applies to everyday life, especially as it pertains to the questions and challenges faced by teenagers today. Through interactive lessons, they explore the rich heritage of Christianity as they study the Roman Empire, the nation of Israel, the incarnation of Jesus, and the Abrahamic Covenant. Students are encouraged to strengthen their faith through discussions about the integrity of the Bible, spiritual maturity, and principles for Christian living.

By exploring the rich past of the early Christians and the challenges faced by the early church, high school students discover the relevancy of faith in today's world and are encouraged to consider the many questions they will be faced with as they enter adulthood. Lessons not only include biblical studies on the Roman Empire, Israel, Jesus, and other key figures from the Bible, but also teach about friendship, dating, marriage, apologetics, and the history of the cannon.

Per counselor approval, students can take World History and the Church instead of Bible Doctrine.


Topics explored:

  • The Faithfulness of God
  • Romans Part I
  • Romans Part II
  • The Doctrine of Jesus Christ
  • The Nation of Israel
  • The History of the Canon
  • Friendship, Dating, and Marriage
  • Sin and Redemption
  • Apologetics

Foundations for Living

1 Credit
Typically taken in Grade 12

Foundations for Living provides a Bible-based, sequential development of a Christian worldview through the use of fundamental truths from the Bible. As students walk through a Christian worldview, they also engage in how biblical foundations apply to the various areas of contemporary life. The course aims to pull all of a student’s education together into a unified whole, preparing them for their new adventures beyond high school in the home, church, college, and society.

Per counselor approval, students can take:


Topics explored:

  • What Is a Biblical Worldview?
  • Presuppositions
  • The Doctrines of the Bible
  • God's Creation
  • Head of the Family
  • The Bible and Marriage
  • Dating to Matrimony
  • Christian Education
  • Art, Music, and Politics
  • Putting It All Together

Enlightium Academy is a private Christian school serving homeschool, online, and Alliance school students on their journey to embrace their God-given talents and develop a lifelong thirst for knowledge from the biblical worldview.

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